NIM is a fairly simple game, in NIM you are given a number of piles with each pile containing some number of items. You are allowed to remove any amount of objects from any pile but be warned, you have an adversary who can also pick any arbitary number of objects from a pile, you both play in turns and the person to pick the last object from any pile loses. Goodluck and check out the section below on how to create and play custom games of NIM.


1. To start the game click on begin in the home page
2. Configure your game by game by setting the parameters
  • Feeling too lazy to lazy to set the customize your game, don't worry just click on the button and you can easily play a game with random settings.

  • The number of training epochs dictates how many practice games of NIM the AI plays before making moves, essentially the higher it is set the increasingly better the AI gets at playing the game and same but inverse applies with a lower value for the training epoch.

  • As I'm sure you've already guessed, this input field's value simply describes the number of piles in the game.

3. Using the game's sidebar
  • C'mon' I'm sure you know what this does, well it simply reverses your last move

  • This returns the most optimal move most likely to be made by the AI in this state, in other words it plays for you the move the AI would have made if in the same situation. To make sure you actully play the game, I made this work only twice yes I'm a prick (:

  • I mean c'mon', I'm sure you know what this is for

  • This feature allows you to highlight dangerous moves to play in a state

Well thats all, it's not a very robust game. I plan to make revisions of the game in the future like adding online players and accounts but until then this is a bare-bone implementation of the NIM Game with some extra features I could conjure up.